July 24, 2012

QR Code : Explained

QR Code - A common term that is seen in the media that reads "Scan your smartphone here to get more details". Its a modified version of Bar-Code that has some added features of readability even in damaged code. QR Code is the one that comes with auto error correction. So what is QR Code?

QR Code - Quick Response Code is a combination of Black and White squares as it is below:

The most beauty part of it is that any one can make this code and any one can generate them for free. Of course the unique one. Once the QR Code is generated or created, one can modify its colour, graphics, or even one can mess it up! One needs not to be a great hacker to crack the code, just knowing the basics can make it all.

QR Code is a 2 dimensional code that is categorized in matrix code. 
The features of QR Code are:
  1. High speed in reading the code.
  2. Error correction.
  3. High capacity.
Since the QR Code has been created, it is available in two models- Original and Extended model. Extended model is the one in use now-a-days. Depending upon the number of characters used, the size of the QR Code changes. More the characters, big is the size. Though it can hold any number of characters, QR Code scanner (smartphone!) finds difficult to scan the code. 

Versions and Character encoding:
Depending upon the size of the QR Code, the version number changes. There are around 40 versions available starting from 21*21 grid pattern for version 1 to 177*177 grid pattern for version 40. QR Code can hold:
  • Numeric characters(0-9) - 10 Characters
  • Alpha-Numeric characters(0-9 A-Z special symbols) - 45 Characters
  • 8-bit data
  • Multi Byte data

Know QR Code:

  • Three large squares marked RED are position markers. These tells the scanner where the edge is.
  • A single small square in RED is an alignment  marker that tells the scanner that the codes are lined up properly. Their number increase when the size of the grid increases as here.
  • RED stripes that runs over the alternative white and black squares is a timing pattern, defines the position of number of rows and columns.
  • GREEN tells the format of the QR Code as it is a website or text message or a phone number.
  • BLUE area describes the version number used in the QR Code. (It is already discussed few lines before)
Here is a pictorial representation. These areas are the sensitive ones and other areas can be changed depending upon your data.

Error Correcting:
An added feature of QR Code is error correcting. QR Code defines 4 levels of error correction in case the white and black squares are misread. 
  • Level L: Up to 7% of the error can be corrected.
  • Level M: Up to 15% of the error can be corrected.
  • Level Q: Up to 25% of the error can be corrected.
  • Level H: Up to 30% of the error can be corrected.
Because of this error correction, you can create an error for sure as it is here.

You can do even like this as it is Here. It is still readable until you don't touch the sensitive areas as it is described above.

Now you can create your own QR Code for your Products or Website or E-Mail or Phone Number... Or generate online here for free. Google can fetch you some more online QR Code generators.


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    1. Thanks! I feel proud to have such a follower to my blog.
