- Primary Key
- Candidate Key
- Foreign Key
- Alternate Key
- Composite or Compound Key
- Unique Key
Candidate Key :
A Column with
- Unique values
- No null values
[A Table can have more than one column with above attributes. All these columns are candidate keys]
Primary Key:
A Column with
- Unique values
- No null values
[A Table can have more than one column with above attributes. But one of these column can be a primary key]
(Info: A table can have only one primary key but any number of candidate keys)
Alternate Key
When a table contains more than one candidate key (say 3 candidate keys), after selecting a column as a Primary key, other 2 columns are called as an Alternate Key
Unique Key:
A Column
- with Unique values
- can have null values
(Info: A table may not necessarily contain all the keys, but at least a primary key)
Composite Key:
Two or more columns collectively used to identify a row
1. Identifying a student in a student table using his name and his father name
2. Identifying a student in a student table using his name, father name & Birth-date
Foreign Key:
- Presence of a column in a table which is a primary key for another table.
- This column is responsible for establishing relationship between two tables.
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